Apr 22: UES 80s & 90s Food Crawl

UES 80s & 90s Food Crawl
Saturday, April 22nd, 5:30pm

Food is meant to be enjoyed with others! There is a lot of great cuisine on the Upper East Side - get ready to experience some new places with new people. To maximize our ability to try different local businesses, we will eat a 4 course meal (inclusive of dessert and coffee, of course) with each course taking place at a separate restaurant. Course and pricing breakdown is below:

Appetizers: $5-8 per person
Entree: $20-25 per person (something family style here)
Dessert: $5-8 per person
Coffee: $2-5 per person

Total price range per person (includes tax & tip consideration, excludes drinks): $32-46
* This has a limit of 12 people
Questions? Email Stacey at esneighborhoods@redeemer.com